Conversations with ATX Leaders: Rich Carney

What happens when the interviewer becomes the interviewee? You get great insight with highlights from conversations with ATX leaders across all industries.  Join the Blended Sense team as they sit down with Austin Bridge Builders Alliance Executive Director, Dr. Rich Carney.


ABBA is striving to keep people connected as the enemy of isolation is more upon us than ever. We are finding that leaders want to share what they are experiencing. Being vulnerable about their own concerns during this time, but sharing how God continues to move along with  offering the wisdom that own background provides.


Rich reflects on the many candid conversations; covering topics from how to face the reality of letting go of employees and how do so with grace and compassion, to economic expectations and experiences of front line workers.  We are seeing leadership challenge their teams to go the extra mile in the season, a reminder that leadership is defined as the ability given to anyone with a sphere of influence.


There is extreme value in hearing from how God is speaking to church leaders and business owners from a variety of sizes of organizations. Hearing messages of hope, as organizations pivot to new methods of keeping teams, clients and congregations connected. From social distance practices, to managing teams online, or learning to lean on new platforms for connectivity we are all having to adjust and adapt.


“When you hear ‘ALL HANDS ON DECK!’ on a ship the captain goes straight to the wheel. We are seeing the same with business leaders in Austin.”  Rich speaks to leaders making decisions in an ever changing stream of information and mandates. “What’s important for you to know is, you are not alone.”


Dr. Carney also shares his personal experiencing during the shelter-in-place mandate. “We all talk about wanting more time at home with our family, and now we are getting that chance.”  Earlier interviews found leaders working longer and more feverish hours, but as we moved forward we noticed a change to leaders commenting on having more time with family, or calling friends they had previously been too rushed to stay connected with.  We are seeing neighborhoods come to life with signs of encouragement – families taking walks, people offering to shop for one another. There is an odd dynamic when we recognize the crisis within the pandemic, but simultaneously seeing creativity, synergy and a rebirth of faith. Rich shares, “However the Lord chooses to use this time, I’m on board!”  Don’t miss this encouraging conversation!


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